The theme for the 2023 GraceInside Easter Campaign was: Hope Springs from an Empty Tomb! We all know that life can be very challenging (especially if you’re sitting in a lonely cell in a Virginia state prison), but as believers we have the comfort and assurance of knowing that Christ didn’t stay in the tomb. As Jesus had promised, after He had paid the price for our sins, God raised Him up and He defeated death! On that third day, He rose with all power in His hand and sat on the throne with his Father. Knowing this gives us HOPE and comfort. Like we share with the inmates that we minister to, we can turn to Jesus any time we feel hopeless, and He will give us victory! We would like to thank YOU – our faithful individual donors and churches – for your generosity in donating a total of $21,896 during our 2023 Easter Campaign!!! Thanks to each of you that donated to this campaign. You make it possible for our Chaplains to offer HOPE to the HOPELESS. May God bless you for your LOVE and GENEROSITY!!!

Thank You for Supporting GraceInside: “Home for the Holidays?” Christmas 2024
Join GraceInside as we take a look back at the video stories we shared throughout the month of December as part of our “Home for the Holidays?” 2024 Christmas Campaign. This is our special THANK YOU for the many of you that gave to our vitally important ministry during the campaign. But for those of