What a joy it was to make new friends and ministry partners at “Power in the Spirit”, a Virginia Synod ELCA (Lutheran) retreat/conference at Roanoke College in Salem, VA. The event was held July 13-15, 2023. This was my first time working the GraceInside display table/exhibit at such an event. What I found was that Lutherans know all about GraceInside and share our passion for ministry to the incarcerated men and women in Virginia’s state prisons. They are SO enthusiastic, and they truly blessed me with their words of encouragement and support. And they also added to those words by earmarking their event’s special offering to support GraceInside!!! I want to say a special thank you to Rev. Terri Steenburgen for the cute eyeglasses (you had to be there!), and I also want to CONGRATULATE you on your retirement!!!