Loyd’s Story: “Home for the Holidays?” Christmas 2024

Loyd is a senior citizen, living a quiet life and looking back on memories from the past. But Loyd’s memories are pretty unique.  You see, he was once an inmate serving time in a Virginia State Prison. One year was especially hard, as he had just found out that his Grandma Ellie had passed away. He might not have made it through had it not been for Chaplain Bob and a powerful, creative Christmas Eve service that was held in the Prison Chapel. Watch as Loyd remembers and relives that very special night…

GraceInside is a ministry that has 33 caring Chaplains, serving in all 40 Virginia state prisons, ministering to 24,000 incarcerated men and women – people just like Loyd. But without YOUR support, there simply would be NO “grace inside.” This Christmas, would you reach out and help us offer love, grace and hope to those that Jesus listed as being among the forgotten – among “the least of these?”

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Sarah’s Story: “Home for the Holidays?” Christmas 2024

Sarah’s mental health issues and drug addiction led her to make many terrible choices – and eventually she ended up in a Virginia state prison. Sarah is now estranged from both her mother and her young adult daughter. They have given up on her (won’t write her, visit her, etc.), and really she has given

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