Greetings, GraceInside Family!
Because of YOU, GraceInside has reached & surpassed BRONZE MEDAL status in our Summer Campaign! We surpassed the $8,000 Bronze level, and we’re halfway to SILVER MEDAL status (with $12,000 raised in the first week of the campaign). Would you prayerfully consider what you can give to help us get to $16,000 and reach the Silver Medal level? Even small gifts help! You can give easily by clicking the link and giving online. Thanks so much for helping our Virginia State Prison Chaplains share God’s love & grace with the “least of these” that are so often forgotten!
And please take a look at our Governor’s new reentry initiative & executive order (called “Stand Tall, Stay Strong, Succeed Together” – with an emphasis on equipping and helping inmates both on the inside and when they become returning citizens – through parenting programs, job skills training, etc. So exciting! GraceInside is proud & humbled to be one of the faith-based partners participating in this initiative! Talk about creating WINNERS!!