What are the BEST GIFTS? Week Two: GRACE

You and I both know that the BEST GIFT was given on that first Christmas long ago when God gave us the Ultimate Gift: His one and only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Never before or since has humanity been given such a precious and costly gift! John 3:16 says it to us plainly: “God SO LOVED the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but should have Everlasting Life!”  Nobody will EVER top that Gift! That’s what Christmas is all about – the very reason we celebrate this holy season.

The 33 state prison Chaplains that work for GraceInside have the huge calling and privilege of sharing JESUS in a very unique mission field: in all 42 Virginia state correctional facilities. They minister to nearly 25,000 incarcerated men and women, sharing the Gospel with them, caring for them and coordinating all religious programs and volunteers at their assigned facilities.  Virginia is UNIQUE in that our state prison Chaplains are NOT state employees: They are YOUR employees – YOUR missionaries!  Virginia would have NO state prison Chaplains if it weren’t for YOU (caring individuals, churches, denominations, etc.)!!!

Okay, we know that these dedicated, faithful Chaplains get to share the very BESTGift:Jesus. But how exactly do they do it? Well, they do it by sharing those other “BEST GIFTS” that all come “wrapped up” in knowing Christ.  During this Christmas season, we will be sharing with you just WHAT those “Best Gifts” are and giving you an “insider’s view” of just HOW they share these – from the Chaplains themselves!

So WHAT exactly are THE BEST GIFTS??? Well, we think a good way to summarize them are in the words LOVE, GRACE, HOPE and GLORY.  Let’s focus this week on the gift of GRACE. If you haven’t already done so, watch this week’s video clip in which one of our Chaplains tells a story about how this gift of GRACE is given in the prison environment.

GRACE – Grace is God’s unmerited/unearned/undeserved favor, love and acceptance. “For it is by GRACE you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Truly, chaplaincy and prison ministry change hearts and lives for eternity! This Christmas, would you PRAY and ASK the Lord what He would have YOU give to help us provide our state prison Chaplains more ministry hours to share the Good News and impart THE BEST GIFTS on these incarcerated men and women that God dearly loves?  Please click the button below to send your one-time gift, giving securely right on our website. You can also set up automatic monthly giving to GraceInside.  Please: Consider giving the gift of a caring Prison Chaplain this year, so that he/she in turn can give these BEST GIFTS to these incarcerated men and women that so need to know God’s love.  Thanks SO much for LOVING, CARING and GIVING!

Glory to the Newborn King!


Rev. J. Randy Myers
Executive Director

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