Powerful KAIROS Closing at Pocahontas State Correctional Center

During the weekend of October 22, 2022, Chaplain Darrell Hunley and and the Kairos Team at Pocahontas State Correctional Center offered the traditional “open mic” segment of the Kairos Closing to the inmate program participants/graduates.  The Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way, helping 16 inmates to express how God had moved in their lives during this weekend experience. Chaplain Hunley said, “I’m still amazed at how the Holy Spirit moves, and I pray that this amazement never ends!” Following are some of the things that the inmate graduates said during the “open mic” segment of the Kairos Closing:

  • I thought I knew Christ, but now He’s my focus!
  • I came just to get out of the pod, but I got real insight as to who Jesus is.
  • I’ve been down for 22 years. I thought I was a believer, but now I feel His Spirit in me!
  • This experience has finally gotten me back down on my knees.
  • I’m not leaving what I learned here. I’m taking it back to the pod for the Glory of God.
  • I asked what this Kairos thing was all about. “Cookies and coffee” is what I was told. But what it really did was to show me that I have to be a light in this dark place.
  • It’s been amazing just realizing that I can be forgiven!

They spoke of coming in broken, hurt, and hungry for answers. But what they said they found was fellowship, the release of pain and the joy of drawing closer to God. They left with encouragement, stronger faith, being able to forgive themselves, and yes… a couple of pounds of cookies!  Chaplain Hunley says that he especially loved what one inmate told him at the end of the weekend Kairos event: “Jesus is my chain breaker. I feel free now!” 

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