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Friendship for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime?

A prison psychologist, also known as a QMHP (Qualified Mental Health Provider), is a key staff member. However, it is a rare thing when a former QMHP transitions from a mental health career to prison chaplaincy. Rarer still is when a former QMHP, now a Chaplain, becomes reacquainted with a former inmate client, and both […]

Dancing with Jesus

GraceInside is very blessed to have Chaplain Daniel Theiben set apart to minister to the men incarcerated in the Virginia Department of Corrections’ (VADOC’s) “Restorative Housing Units” (the most secure and lonely cells at the two highest security state prisons – Red Onion State Prison and Wallens Ridge State Prison – both located in Wise […]

All of Us are Broken, but None are Beyond Hope

by Chaplain Nick Meyer, Coffeewood Correctional Center In October 2022, some inmates from the Spanish church group approached me to ask about getting baptized. I coordinated with a couple of volunteers who brought a 12-part teaching on baptism for the full church, approximately 30-40 inmates. By January 2023, they had finished these catechism classes and […]

Where can we find HOPE when all seems HOPELESS?

Jerusalem – c. 33 A.D. A group of devastated, mournful women went to the tomb of Jesus on that first Easter morning – wishing to further show their love and pay their respects by bringing spices to anoint His dead body.   This was the One that they had HOPED was the long promised Messiah, […]