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804.358.7650 | mail@graceinside.org

Tuesday, Sept. 21 - Thursday, Sept. 23

(12 noon to 12 noon)

Donate to Our 48-hour Fundraiser
"The Amazing Praise!"

Give Now through Sept. 23!
GraceInside is participating in a 48-hour fundraiser – “The Amazing Praise” – which kicked off at 12:00 noon Tuesday, September 21 and will end at 12:00 noon Thursday, September 23.
During this fundraiser, we are asking YOU to help support the great work of our prison chaplains around the state by donating to our organization.
Once you’ve donated, please use the social media buttons below to share this invitation with your friends, family, fellow church members, and any others you feel led to include!  You can be our AMBASSADOR for this giving challenge! More importantly, you can help our state prison chaplains change the hearts and lives of incarcerated men and women as they share God’s Amazing Grace and Love. 
Thank you for your donation, for supporting the amazing work of our state prison chaplains, and for making the ongoing ministry of GraceInside possible.

Learn more about The Amazing Praise and
visit their Facebook page for updates and highlights of the fundraiser.

Share your participation on social media!
