“The Best Gifts?” Christmas Campaign 2023

You and I both know that the BEST GIFT was given on that first Christmas long ago when God gave us the Ultimate Gift: His one and only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Never before or since has humanity been given such a precious and costly gift! John 3:16 says it to us plainly: “God SO LOVED the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but should have Everlasting Life!”  Nobody will EVER top that Gift! That’s what Christmas is all about – the very reason we celebrate this holy season.

So WHAT exactly are THE BEST GIFTS??? Well, we think a good way to summarize them are in the words LOVE, GRACE, HOPE and GLORY. Each week we will focus on one of these gifts and giving you an “insider’s view” of just HOW they share these – from the GraceInside Chaplains themselves!

Scroll below to see videos and articles associated with each of THE BEST GIFTS that God gives us and consider donating today so our gracious staff and Chaplains can continue sharing THE BEST GIFTS with those who need them most!

Christmas 2023 Videos

Week 1: LOVE

Week 2: GRACE

Week 3: HOPE

Week 4: GLORY

Christmas 2023 Posts

What are the BEST GIFTS? Week Four: GLORY

You and I both know that the BEST GIFT was given on that first Christmas long ago when God gave us the Ultimate Gift: His one and only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Never before or since has humanity been given such a precious and costly gift! John 3:16 says it to us plainly: “God SO LOVED the world that He

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What are the BEST GIFTS? Week Three: HOPE

You and I both know that the BEST GIFT was given on that first Christmas long ago when God gave us the Ultimate Gift: His one and only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Never before or since has humanity been given such a precious and costly gift! John 3:16 says it to us plainly: “God

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What are the BEST GIFTS? Week Two: GRACE

You and I both know that the BEST GIFT was given on that first Christmas long ago when God gave us the Ultimate Gift: His one and only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Never before or since has humanity been given such a precious and costly gift! John 3:16 says it to us plainly: “God SO LOVED the world that He

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What are the BEST GIFTS? Week One: God’s LOVE

You and I both know that the BEST GIFT was given on that first Christmas long ago when God gave us the Ultimate Gift: His one and only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Never before or since has humanity been given such a precious and costly gift! John 3:16 says it to us plainly: “God SO LOVED the world that He

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