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The Gift of a Food Tray Leads an Inmate to the Light of Christ

by Chaplain Darrell Hunley, Pocahontas State Correctional Center Today I was working in my office in the prison when my inmate clerk jumped up and excitedly ran into the hallway. He had just seen an old friend. The two men had huge smiles on their faces, and they hugged each other like they were long […]

An Inmate Becomes a Light for Jesus!

by “Larry,” an inmate at Green Rock Correctional Center I was raised in a Christian family and gave my life to Christ, asking Him to come into my life when I was 14 years old. However, by age 18 I had turned from Jesus, choosing to follow my own worldly desires and to “do my […]

“Arms Open Wide”

An Easter Poem by Merissa Lee Kelley His arms were stretched to nail to the crossBut they would have reached out in graceFor God so loved the world He gaveHis only Son to take our place. A rescue mission was fashionedBeyond the scope of manBeyond the realm of finite timeGod had formed redemption’s plan. The […]

The People That Walked in Darkness…

by Daniel Theiben, Restorative Housing Unit Chaplain (Red Onion State Prison & Wallen Ridge State Prison): Walking through maximum security pods, I noticed that R. B. was downcast.  When I asked how he was doing, he shared that his heroin addiction had driven him to commit a “stupid crime.”  He was worried that when he […]

Sharing in the Light

by Jerusha Tiller, FCCW COVID hit institutions hard: schools, childcare programs, hospitals. retirement homes, nursing homes and prisons were affected. At Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women, we had additional challenges like staffing shortage of both officers and volunteers, and as a result, our religious programs were affected. Our program numbers dwindled as schedules shifted and […]

Introduction to “The Light of Life!”

How can an incarcerated man or woman find LIGHT when all seems like DARKNESS??? First of all, you have an incredible, unbearable sense of shame and failure. You have made terrible choices, broken the law, hurt individuals and/or their families, utterly let down and humiliated your OWN family, friends and loved ones. You are now […]

Dancing with Jesus

GraceInside is very blessed to have Chaplain Daniel Theiben set apart to minister to the men incarcerated in the Virginia Department of Corrections’ (VADOC’s) “Restorative Housing Units” (the most secure and lonely cells at the two highest security state prisons – Red Onion State Prison and Wallens Ridge State Prison – both located in Wise […]

All of Us are Broken, but None are Beyond Hope

by Chaplain Nick Meyer, Coffeewood Correctional Center In October 2022, some inmates from the Spanish church group approached me to ask about getting baptized. I coordinated with a couple of volunteers who brought a 12-part teaching on baptism for the full church, approximately 30-40 inmates. By January 2023, they had finished these catechism classes and […]

Where can we find HOPE when all seems HOPELESS?

Jerusalem – c. 33 A.D. A group of devastated, mournful women went to the tomb of Jesus on that first Easter morning – wishing to further show their love and pay their respects by bringing spices to anoint His dead body.   This was the One that they had HOPED was the long promised Messiah, […]